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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crosscountry :l

Omg my school is so gay how we have to do crosscountry T T
We ran like 2.4km today D: And im so exhausted from the concert yesterday :l my back is so frikn sore, i think staff should be more considerate and let us rest (:
Crosscountry has no point its so gay :l gjsfkbdkfnndsjbfhddmnf . Stuff you teachers = ="


  1. AGREED ^

    =_________________= waht are we going to achieve once were done. its not like im going to use it in my life . in future T.T

  2. Maybe they want to help the "larger" kids around school :L

  3. bahaha! what are they tryna say bout south aucklanders :0
